In AES ECB mode, the plaintext data is divided into fixed-size blocks, typically 128 bits (16 bytes) each. Each block is encrypted independently using the same encryption key. This means that identical plaintext blocks will result in identical ciphertext blocks, which can pose security risks, especially when encrypting structured data like images or files. As a result, ECB mode is generally not recommended for encrypting sensitive information.

One of the main advantages of AES ECB is its simplicity, as each block encryption is independent and does not require complex operations like chaining or feedback

Zyxx AES ECB IP (Intellectual Property) has those key features

  • Available in 2 versions
    • Fast : High bandwith with low latency and high frequency
    • Small : Higher latency but smaller footprint
  • Full standard support : Zyxx AES ECB supports full specification of the AES standard with keys fo 128, 196 and 256 bits
  • AXI4 compatible interface can be added as an option for every configurations and versions
  • Available for a wide range of FPGA vendors : AMD (Xilinx), Intel (Altera), Microchip, Lattice, Achronix, QuickLogic.
  • Available for Asics

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